Jackie Speier tweeted the following:
"How do you spell hypocrisy? Republicans bashing POTUSs order to forgive loans to some students. Look who got COVID loans forgiven? Another question, dont they have jobs representing their districts? Why are they getting PPP loans for small businesses?"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Jackie Speier:
"A quarter for your thoughts! @USMint just released the beautifully crafted designs for the 2023 American Women Quarters! Not only are they stunning, but they are a fitting & long-awaited tribute to some of our most beloved American Sheroes!"Read on Twitter
"At the Tanforan Memorial ribbon cutting in San Bruno. I apologize for what the American government did to you and your families in these incarceration camps." on Aug. 27Read on Twitter
"Celebrating Womens Equality Day w/ @SpeakerPelosi & abortion experts at UCSF panel. If we really want to #DefendWomensRights, we must stand-up for the millions of women under draconian abortion bans & protect access to essential reproductive health care, not criminalize it." on Aug. 26Read on Twitter